李树森 ,教授,博士生导师/硕士生导师
(1) 1996.09至2001.07,哈尔滨工业大学,机电工程学院,博士
(2) 1985.09至1988.07,东北林业大学, 机电工程学院,硕士
(3) 1981.09至1985.07,东北林业大学, 机电工程学院,本科
李树森,中共党员,教授,博士生导师。哈工大博士、哈尔滨工程大学博士后。中国林学会林业机械分会常务理事,全国林业机械标准化技术委员会委员,林业机械与木工设备期刊副主编,高等工程教育学科专业教学委员会委员,国家自然科学奖励评审专家,科技部国家重点研发计划评审专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学科评估专家,中国博士后基金评审专家,黑龙江省博士后专家组成员,黑龙江省高校青年教师教学竞赛评委。主持教育部博士点基金、航天工业总公司重点项目、国家林草局攻关项目、黑龙江省自然科学基金、黑龙江省高等教育教学改革研究项目、哈尔滨市科技创新人才资金、国家标准项目等科研课题40多项。发表论文108篇,其中SCI 12篇、EI 15篇,授权发明及实用新型专利30多项,主编教材及专著4部。培养博士后、博士(含留学生)及硕士研究生90余名。主要从事现代机械设计及理论、气体轴承润滑、农林机械和机电系统控制等方面的教学和科研工作。获教学质量优秀一等奖、优秀研究生任课及优秀论文指导教师等。
(1)Cui wei ,Li shusen,Zhu bolin,Yang fei and Chen bao .Research on the influence of a micro-groove-orifice structure and its layout form on the static characteristics of aerostatic journal bearings under a high gas supply pressure. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2023, Vol. 15(2) 1–18. SCI
(2)Wanying Yang, Shusen Li, Bo Li, Wenbo Liu,Fuyao Ning,Song Gao .Analysis of the effects of working position on muscle fatigue during hedge pruning_ A cross-sectional study based on chinese garden workers. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2023,14. SCI
(3)Wanying Yang, Bo Li, Shusen Li, Yanlin Zhang, Hongze Yang .MUSCLE FATIGUE RELATED TO HUMAN POSTURE USING A BRUSH CUTTER FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING:A PRELIMINARY STUDY. Muscle fatigue related to human posture. 2022;73(3). SCI
(4)Shusen Li andWei Cui.Research on the influence of supersonic phenomena on the gas film flow field of micron-groove-orifice aerostatic journal bearings under high gas supply pressure. Advances in Mechanical Engineering022, Vol. 14(8) 1–16.SCI
(5)Li shusen,Cui wei .Research on the effect of micron-groove orifices on the static characteristics of aerostatic journal bearings under high gas supply pressures based on the SST k-ω turbulence model. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2022, Vol. 14(3) 1–17.SCI
(6)Abdelrahman I. A. Eisa , Li Shusen , Zhang Yan ,and Wasim M. K. Helal .Transient Analysis Method of an Axially Magnetized Novel Passive Eddy Current Damper for Suppressing Lateral Vibrations Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2022, Article ID 3808992, 10 pages.SCI
(7)Yuan Fu , Shusen Li , Jiuqing Liu and Bo Zhao.Design and Experimentation of a Self-Sensing Actuator for Active Vibration Isolation System with Adjustable Anti-Resonance Frequency Controller. Sensors. 2021,21(6), 1941.SCI
(8)Zhang,Xianhong and Li,Shusen .Edge detection algorithm for color image based on the reaction-diffusion equation and the cellular neural network model. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Process. 2021,28(1):61-80.EI
(9)Zhang,Xianhong and Li,Shusen. Flow Image generation algorithms for improving gan. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Process. 2021,28(1):45-59.EI
(10)Eisa, Abdelrahman I. A. Shusen, Li. Helal, Wasim M. K. Study on the lateral and torsional vibration of single rotor-system using an integrated multi-body dynamics and finite element analysis. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2020, 12(10): 0-1687814020968336,SCI
(11)Ahmed,Elhaj A. I. ShuSen Li;Helal,Wasim M.K.;Eisa,Abdelrahman I.A. Linear forced-rotordynamics analysis for optimizing the performance factors of machine motorized spindle using design explorer method. Joumal of` Vibroengineering Procedia. v28,p258-263,October1,2019. EI
(11)李树森,崔巍. 一种气浮轴承及气浮轴承支承的高压气浮电主轴,发明专利CN 114273685 B.授权:2023年03月24日
(12)李树森,郭秀荣,王也. 农林业机械学. 编著. 科学出版社.2019年
邮 箱:lishusenzp@163.com